Template updates

We are continually improving the California State Web Template. View release features by date for items that have been added or updated.

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Release features

State Web Template release updates table featuring version number, release date, and the release high level description
Version Date Description
6.3.2 6-7-24
  • Updated bootstrap to v5.3.3
  • Fixed mobile search bar resize bug in Android devices
  • Fixed side navigation appending issue that happened on resize from mobile to desktop
  • Added local number comma support to number-counter
6.3.1 2-23-24
  • Mobile navigation accessibility improvements
    • Added escape key functionality
    • Added closing out navigation functionality on tabbing out
    • Mobile navigation functions are no longer affecting focusable elements that are outside of the navigation
  • Updated google font delivery method
    • Replaced font loading from local to CDN google font delivery
    • Added system-ui font fallback
  • Added utility links to the utility header
6.3.0 10-6-23
  • Optimized color scheme files by converting SASS color variables into CSS variables
  • Updated social media icons inside of CaGov icons font library
  • Published Visual Studio integration with Library Manager (LibMan) allowing .Net users to use the State Template NPM package
  • Fixed pagination component
  • Updated starter site content
  • Added statewide alert component
6.2.1 8-24-23
  • CSS size reduced
6.2.0 7-14-23
  • NPM package support for state template
  • Separated template website development from template source development
  • Updated bootstrap version to 5.3
  • Optimized core JavaScript code and referenced it in the head tag next to core CSS references
  • Improved rendering of the site header in mobile view
6.1.2 6-6-23
  • Updated project with consistent formatting
  • Removed settings section since modern browsers provide those options to the users
  • Removed unused breakpoint (1280px)
  • Updated mobile navigation experience, look and feel
  • Updated mobile side navigation experience, look and feel
  • Cleaned up the JavaScript core code to go inline with JS lint requirements
  • Ca.Gov logo in header and footer is now SVG in CSS (No more image requirements)
6.1.1 3-28-23
  • Added new pagination component
  • Added new executive profile component
  • Updated search results look and feel
  • Fixed multiple accessibility issue throughout website
  • Added new pattern samples such as newsroom, news-list, and article
6.1.0 12-23-23
  • Updated alert banner
  • Added 8 new icons to the CAGov icons font
  • Added side navigation component
  • Added pagination to the icon search page
  • Added new contact us form that posts feedback to airtable
6.0.9 11-23-22
  • Updated navigation structure, information architecture and content flow
  • Updated side navigation styles
  • Added new feature banner component into patterns samples
  • Added new step list component into the progress tracker pattern
  • Added automatic "on this page" navigation component
6.0.8 7-30-22
  • Updated site structure and framework to use eleventy site generation and replaced server site includes with njk includes and templates
  • Added new components such as feature card, link grid, and side navigation
  • Updated State Web Template's styles to make structural components to look like CA Design System
6.0.7 12-16-21
  • Added responsive font size calculation functionality and adjusted some of the components to responsive font sizing
6.0.6 11-24-21
  • Removed jQuery
6.0.5 06-02-21
  • Removed unused JS libraries and made fixes to service tites and carousel components
6.0.4 04-21-21
  • Fixed links accessibility issues and updated jQuery version
6.0.3 03-26-21
  • Fixed multiple accessibility issues
6.0.2 04-28-20
  • Added 22 more new icons (including COVID-19 icons) to the CaGov font library
6.0.1 01-31-20
  • Updated accordion keyboard accessibility
  • Added parallax sample page
6.0.0 01-31-20
  • Added new pages that provide more usability directions
  • Added new modules such as blurb, modal and timeline
  • Added new color schemes such as Delta, Santa Cruz and Shasta
  • Added new icons to CAGov font library

Find changelogs for V6 and earlier on the GitHub production release page .