Utility CSS classes

Use our utility CSS classes to stylize your web elements. Additional shortcuts are available on Bootstrap .

Class Description
.brd-solid-1 solid border style with width of 1px
.brd-solid-2 solid border style with width of 2px
.brd-solid-3 solid border style with width of 3px
.brd-solid-4 solid border style with width of 4px
.brd-solid-5 solid border style with width of 5px
.brd-dotted-1 dotted border style with width of 1px
.brd-gray gray border color (#555)
.brd-gray-light light gray border color (#ddd)
.brd-gray-dark dark gray border color (#222)
.brd-primary-light theme's primary border color 60% tinted
.brd-white-before adds white border before the content of each selected element(s).
.brd-white-after adds white border after the content of each selected element(s).
.brd-gray-light-before adds light gray before the content of each selected element(s).
.brd-gray-light-after adds light gray border after the content of each selected element(s).
.brd-transparent-before transparent border before the content of each selected element(s).
.brd-transparent-after transparent border after the content of each selected element(s).
.brd-0 no borders
.brd-right right side solid border style with width of 1px
.brd-left left side solid border style with width of 1px
.brd-top top side solid border style with width of 1px
.brd-bottom bottom side solid border style with width of 1px
.rounded-50x border radius 50%
.rounded-50 border radius 50px
.rounded-20 border radius 20px
.rounded-15 border radius 15px
.rounded-5 border radius 5px
.rounded-4 border radius 4px
.rounded-3 border radius 3px
.rounded-2 border radius 2px
Colors and backgrounds
Class Description
.color-black color black (#000)
.color-black-hover color black (#000) that shows up on hover
.color-white color black (#FFF)
.color-white-hover color white (#FFF) that shows up on hover
.color-gray-dark text color (#333)
.color-gray gray color (#555)
.color-highlight highlight theme color
.color-highlight-hover highlight theme color that shows up on hover
.color-primary primary theme color
.color-primary-hover primary theme color that shows up on hover
.color-standout standout theme color
.color-standout-hover standout theme color that shows up on hover
.color-s1 first secondary theme color
.color-s2 second secondary theme color (darker version of .color-s1)
.color-s3 third secondary theme color (darker version of .color-s2)
.bg-gray-light light gray background color (#eee)
.bg-gray-light-hover light gray background color (#eee) that shows up on hover
.bg-gray-lightest lightest gray background color (#f5f5f5)
.bg-gray-lightest-hover lightest gray background color (#f5f5f5) that shows up on hover
.bg-alpha-40 black background that is 40% transparent
.bg-alpha-50 black background that is 50% transparent
.bg-alpha-60 black background that is 60% transparent
.bg-alpha-70 black background that is 70% transparent
.bg-alpha-80 black background that is 80% transparent
.bg-alpha-90 black background that is 90% transparent
.bg-highlight theme's highlight background color
.bg-highlight-hover theme's highlight background color that shows up on hover
.bg-primary theme's primary background color
.bg-primary-hover theme's primary background color that shows up on hover
.bg-standout theme's standout background color
.bg-standout-hover theme's standout background color that shows up on hover
.bg-s1 theme's first secondary background color
.bg-s2 theme's second secondary background color
.bg-s3 theme's third secondary background color
.bg-primary-light theme's primary background color that is 60% tinted
.bg-primary-light-hover theme's primary background color that is 60% tinted and shows up on hover
.bg-highlight-light theme's highlight background color that is 50% tinted
.bg-highlight-light-hover theme's highlight background color that is 50% tinted and shows up on hover
.bg-standout-light theme's standout background color that is 60% tinted
.bg-standout-light-hover theme's standout background color that is 60% tinted and shows up on hover
.bg-secondary-light theme's secondary background color that is 40% tinted
.bg-secondary-light-hover theme's secondary background color that is 40% tinted and shows up on hover
.bg-primary-gradient theme's primary color linear gradient background
.bg-highlight-gradient theme's highlight color linear gradient background
.bg-standout-gradient theme's standout color linear gradient background
.bg-secondary-gradient theme's secondary color linear gradient background
.bg-primary-standout-gradient theme's primary color and standout color linear gradient background
.bg-primary-highlight-gradient theme's primary color and highlight color linear gradient background
.bg-standout-highlight-gradient theme's standout color and highlight color linear gradient background
.bg-danger-warning-gradient danger color (#D24532) and warning color (#C2570F) linear gradient background
.bg-info-success-gradient info color (#1C7DB5) and success color (#32852E) linear gradient background
.bg-gray-radialgradient light gray color radial gradient background
.bg-graylight-radialgradient lightest gray color radial gradient background
.bg-primary-radialgradient theme's primary color radial gradient background
.bg-highlight-radialgradient theme's highlight color radial gradient background
.bg-standout-radialgradient theme's standout color radial gradient background
.bg-secondary-radialgradient theme's secondary color radial gradient background
.bg-secondarylight-radialgradient theme's lightest secondary color radial gradient background
.bg-secondarylight-radialgradient theme's lightest secondary color radial gradient background
Class Description
.d-flex display flex
.d-block display block
.hidden display none
.hidden-up opacity 0
.overflow-hidden overflow hidden
.overflow-visible overflow visible
.overflow-auto overflow auto
Class Description
.pos-rel Relative position
.pos-abs Absolute position
.pos-stc Static position
.pos-fix Fixed position
.relative-centered Centers a relatively positioned item (both vertically and horizontally)
.relative-centered-x Centers a relatively positioned item (horizontally)
.relative-centered-y Centers a relatively positioned item (vertically)
.absolute-centered Centers an absolute-positioned item (both vertically and horizontally)
.absolute-centered-x Centers an absolute-positioned item (horizontally)
.absolute-centered-y Centers an absolute-positioned item (vertically)
.top-rel-20pct move relative positioned element 20% below its normal position
.top-rel-30pct move relative positioned element 30% below its normal position
.top-rel-40pct move relative positioned element 40% below its normal position
.top-sm-rel-40pct move relative positioned element 40% below its normal position in mobile
.top-md-rel-40pct move relative positioned element 40% below its normal position in medium sized devices
.top-lg-rel-40pct move relative positioned element 40% below its normal position in larger devices
.top-rel-30pct move relative positioned element 30% below its normal position
.top-sm-rel-30pct move relative positioned element 30% below its normal position in mobile
.top-md-rel-30pct move relative positioned element 30% below its normal position in medium sized devices
.top-lg-rel-30pct move relative positioned element 30% below its normal position in larger devices
.top-rel-20pct move relative positioned element 20% below its normal position
.top-sm-rel-20pct move relative positioned element 20% below its normal position in mobile
.top-md-rel-20pct move relative positioned element 20% below its normal position in medium sized devices
.top-lg-rel-20pct move relative positioned element 20% below its normal position in larger devices
.top-rel-10pct move relative positioned element 10% below its normal position
.top-sm-rel-10pct move relative positioned element 10% below its normal position in mobile
.top-md-rel-10pct move relative positioned element 10% below its normal position in medium sized devices
.top-lg-rel-10pct move relative positioned element 10% below its normal position in larger devices
.top-rel-5pct move relative positioned element 5% below its normal position
.top-sm-rel-5pct move relative positioned element 5% below its normal position in mobile
.top-md-rel-5pct move relative positioned element 5% below its normal position in medium sized devices
.top-lg-rel-5pct move relative positioned element 5% below its normal position in larger devices
Class Description
.h-auto height auto
.height-1 height 1px
.height-5 height 5px
.height-10 height 10px
.height-15 height 15px
.height-20 width 20px
.height-30 height 30px
.height-40 height 40px
.height-50 height 50px
.height-60 height 60px
.height-70 height 70px
.height-80 height 80px
.height-100 height 100px
.height-150 height 150px
.height-200 height 200px
.height-250 height 250px
.height-300 height 300px
.height-400 height 400px
.height-500 height 500px
.height-600 height 600px
.w-auto width auto
.width-1 width 1px
.width-5 width 5px
.width-10 width 10px
.width-15 width 15px
.width-20 width 20px
.width-30 width 30px
.width-40 width 40px
.width-50 width 50px
.width-60 width 60px
.width-70 width 70px
.width-80 width 80px
.width-100 width 100px
.width-150 width 150px
.width-200 width 200px
.width-5pct width 5%
.width-10pct width 10%
.width-15pct width 15%
.width-20pct width 20%
.width-25pct width 25%
.width-30pct width 30%
.width-33pct width 33%
.width-35pct width 35%
.width-40pct width 40%
.width-45pct width 45%
.width-50pct width 50%
.width-60pct width 60%
.width-70pct width 70%
.width-75pct width 75%
.width-80pct width 80%
.width-90pct width 90%
Class Description
.m-a-0 margin all 0
.m-t-0 margin top 0
.m-b-0 margin bottom 0
.m-r-0 margin right 0
.m-l-0 margin left 0
.m-x-0 margin left and right 0
.m-y-0 margin top and bottom 0
.m-a margin all 1rem
.m-t margin top 1rem
.m-b margin bottom 1rem
.m-r margin right 1rem
.m-l margin left 1rem
.m-x margin left and right 1rem
.m-y margin top and bottom 1rem
.m-x-auto margin right and left auto
.m-a-sm margin all .5rem
.m-t-sm margin top .5rem
.m-b-sm margin bottom .5rem
.m-r-sm margin right .5rem
.m-l-sm margin left .5rem
.m-x-sm margin left and right .5rem
.m-y-sm margin top and bottom .5rem
.m-a-md margin all 1.5rem
.m-t-md margin top 1.5rem
.m-b-md margin bottom 1.5rem
.m-r-md margin right 1.5rem
.m-l-md margin left 1.5rem
.m-x-md margin left and right 1.5rem
.m-y-md margin top and bottom 1.5rem
.m-a-lg margin all 3rem
.m-t-lg margin top 3rem
.m-b-lg margin bottom 3rem
.m-r-lg margin right 3rem
.m-l-lg margin left 3rem
.m-x-lg margin left and right 3rem
.m-y-lg margin top and bottom 3rem
.m-t-60 margin top 4rem (~60px)
.m-t-80 margin top 5rem (~80px)
.m-t-100 margin top 6rem (~100px)
.m-b-60 margin bottom 4rem (~60px)
.m-b-80 margin bottom 5rem (~80px)
.m-b-100 margin bottom 6rem (~100px)
.p-a-0 padding all 0
.p-t-0 padding top 0
.p-b-0 padding bottom 0
.p-r-0 padding right 0
.p-l-0 padding left 0
.p-x-0 padding left and right 0
.p-y-0 padding top and bottom 0
.p-a padding all 1rem
.p-t padding top 1rem
.p-b padding bottom 1rem
.p-r padding right 1rem
.p-l padding left 1rem
.p-x padding left and right 1rem
.p-y padding top and bottom 1rem
.p-a-sm padding all .5rem
.p-t-sm padding top .5rem
.p-b-sm padding bottom .5rem
.p-r-sm padding right .5rem
.p-l-sm padding left .5rem
.p-x-sm padding left and right .5rem
.p-y-sm padding top and bottom .5rem
.p-a-md padding all 1.5rem
.p-t-md padding top 1.5rem
.p-b-md padding bottom 1.5rem
.p-r-md padding right 1.5rem
.p-l-md padding left 1.5rem
.p-x-md padding left and right 1.5rem
.p-y-md padding top and bottom 1.5rem
.p-a-lg padding all 3rem
.p-t-lg padding top 3rem
.p-b-lg padding bottom 3rem
.p-r-lg padding right 3rem
.p-l-lg padding left 3rem
.p-x-lg padding left and right 3rem
.p-y-lg padding top and bottom 3rem
.p-t-60 padding top 4rem (~60px)
.p-t-80 padding top 5rem (~80px)
.p-t-100 padding top 6rem (~100px)
.p-b-60 padding bottom 4rem (~60px)
.p-b-80 padding bottom 5rem (~80px)
.p-b-100 padding bottom 6rem (~100px)
.left-0 left 0
.left-sm left .5rem
.left-n left 1rem
.left-md left 1.5rem
.left-lg left 3rem
.right-0 right 0
.right-sm right .5rem
.right-n right 1rem
.right-md right 1.5rem
.right-lg right 3rem
.top-0 top 0
.top-sm top .5rem
.top-n top 1rem
.top-md top 1.5rem
.top-lg top 3rem
.top-minus-5 top -5px
.top-minus-3 top -3px
.top-minus-2 top -2px
.top-minus-1 top -1px
.top-5pct top 5%
.top-10pct top 10%
.top-20pct top 20%
.top-30pct top 30%
.top-40pct top 40%
.top-50pct top 50%
.top-60pct top 60%
.top-70pct top 70%
.top-80pct top 80%
.top-90pct top 90%
.top-100pct top 100%
.bottom-0 bottom 0
.bottom-sm bottom .5rem
.bottom-n bottom 1rem
.bottom-md bottom 1.5rem
.bottom-lg bottom 3rem
.bottom-minus-5 bottom -5px
.bottom-minus-3 bottom -3px
.bottom-minus-2 bottom -2px
.bottom-minus-1 bottom -1px
.bottom-5pct bottom 5%
.bottom-10pct bottom 10%
.bottom-20pct bottom 20%
.bottom-30pct bottom 30%
.bottom-40pct bottom 40%
.bottom-50pct bottom 50%
.bottom-60pct bottom 60%
.bottom-70pct bottom 70%
.bottom-80pct bottom 80%
.bottom-90pct bottom 90%
.bottom-100pct bottom 100%
Class Description
.text-huge font-size 6rem
.text-5rem font-size 5rem
.text-4rem font-size 4rem
.text-3-5rem font-size 3.5rem
.text-3rem font-size 3rem
.text-2-5rem font-size 2.5rem
.text-2rem font-size 3rem
.text-1-5rem font-size 1.5rem
.text-1rem font-size 1rem
.font-size-sm font-size .75rem
.font-size-70x font-size 70%
.font-size-75x font-size 75%
.font-size-80x font-size 80%
.font-size-85x font-size 85%
.font-size-90x font-size 90%
.font-size-95x font-size 95%
.font-size-11 font-size 0.78571rem (11px)
.font-size-12 font-size 0.85714rem (12px)
.font-size-13 font-size 0.92857rem (13px)
.font-size-14 font-size 1rem (14px)
.font-size-15 font-size 1.07143rem (15px)
.font-size-16 font-size 1.14286rem (16px)
.font-size-20 font-size 1.42857rem (20px)
.font-size-25 font-size 1.78571rem (25px)
.font-size-30 font-size 2.14286rem (30px)
.font-size-40 font-size 2.85714rem (40px)
.line-height-0-8em text line height is set to .8em
.line-height-0-9em text line height is set to .9em
.line-height-1em text line height is set to 1em
.line-height-1-1em text line height is set to 1.1em
.line-height-1-2em text line height is set to 1.2em
.line-height-1-3em text line height is set to 1.3em
.line-height-1-4em text line height is set to 1.4em
.line-height-1-5em text line height is set to 1.5em
.line-height-1-6em text line height is set to 1.6em
.no-underline no underline text decoration property
.underline underline text decoration property
.underline-hover underline text decoration property on hover and on focus
.underline-focus underline text decoration property on focus
.underline-text-color underline of text color (#333)
.underline-hover-text-color underline of text color (#333) that shows up on hover
.underline-white underline of white color (#FFF)
.underline-hover-white underline of white color (#FFF) that shows up on hover
.underline-black underline of black color (#000)
.underline-hover-black underline of black color (#000) that shows up on hover
.underline-primary underline of primary theme color
.underline-hover-primary underline of primary theme color that shows up on hover
.underline-highlight underline of highlight theme color
.underline-hover-highlight underline of highlight theme color that shows up on hover
.underline-standout underline of standout theme color
.underline-hover-standout underline of standout theme color that shows up on hover
.text-primary primary text color (#006CE0)
.text-success success text color (#1F7F35)
.text-info info text color (#117888)
.text-muted muted text color (#555)
.outline-focus 2px solid blue outline on focus
.outline-block-offset 2px solid blue outline on focus with outline offset -2px and display block properties
.cursor-pointer cursor pointer
Transitions and transforms
Class Description
.transform-scale-1_05--hover scale up an element by 5% on hover
.transition-0_3 change property values smoothly over .3 seconds